These are two tables from the socio economic survey reports of AP from 2010-11 and 2011-12 which explains what public institutions do to support their claims. The
first table shows reduction in pesticide use significantly from 2005-06 reaching almost half by 2010. thats’ the period when the Non Pesticidal Management Program was implemented in the state. of course area under Bt cotton and shift from low volume pesticides to high volume pesticides also helped for this reduction. all the socio economic survey reports till 2010 showed the same trend and also the data on plant protection and quarantine system also is changed.
interestingly they changed the data with retrospective effect
the jump is significant and it is 800% in one year and no one cared to explain why there was a change in data or for that matter why there is such a huge jump.
you can check for yourself the socio economic survey reports here
2011-12 socio economic survey agril
this was mainly to say that agril cannot be done without pesticides.
i have my theory..but want to listen to others….
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